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从她的职业生涯开始,沃伦经常关注她的工作和研究,以了解真实的人如何在日常生活中与法律互动,特别强调破产法。她的研究使她在自己的领域成为一名受人尊敬的后起之秀,并在整个20世纪80年代和90年代继续她的工作。 1987年,Warren于1987年加入宾夕法尼亚大学法学院担任正教授,并于1990年成为William A. Schnader商法律教授。她于1992年在哈佛大学法学院任教一年,担任Robert Braucher商业法客座教授。三年后,沃伦全职回到哈佛大学,作为Leo Gottlieb法学教授全职加入教师队伍。沃伦的职位使她成为第一位获得美国公立大学法律学位的终身哈佛大学法学教授。随着时间的推移,她成为破产和商业法领域最着名的法律学者之一,并以她的名义出版了大量出版物。 1995年,她被要求向国家破产审查委员会提出建议。当时,她的建议未能说服国会,她的倡导失败,但她的工作有助于建立消费者金融保护局,该局于2010年签署成为法律。


Since her career, Warren has been paying attention to her work and research to understand how real people interact with the law in their daily lives, with particular emphasis on bankruptcy. Her research has made her a respected rising star in her field and continued her work throughout the 1980s and 1990s. In 1987, Warren joined the University of Pennsylvania School of Law as a full professor in 1987 and became a professor of law at William A. Schnader in 1990. She taught at Harvard Law School in 1992 for a year as a visiting professor of business law at Robert Braucher. Three years later, Warren returned to Harvard University full time, joining Leo Gottlieb’s law professor full time to join the teaching team. Warren’s position made her the first Harvard law professor to earn a law degree from a public university in the United States. Over time, she became one of the most famous legal scholars in the field of bankruptcy and commercial law, and published a large number of publications in her name. In 1995, she was asked to make a recommendation to the National Bankruptcy Review Board. At the time, her advice failed to convince Congress that her advocacy failed, but her work helped to establish the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, which was signed into law in 2010.
