If you are learning in the proximal developmental area, you only need a small amount of help. If you give too much help, your child may only learn to laugh at the teacher instead of mastering the concept independently. Scaffolding is the support provided to learners who are trying to learn new things in the near-developmental area. This support may include tools, hands-on activities or direct guidance. When a student starts to learn a new concept for the first time, the teacher will provide a lot of support. Over time, support is gradually reduced until the learner fully masters new skills or activities. Just as the scaffolding is removed from the building at the completion of the construction, the teacher’s support is removed once the skills or concepts are mastered. Learning to ride a bicycle provides an example of a simple scaffolding. At first, the child will ride a bicycle with a training wheel to ensure that the bicycle remains upright. Next, the training wheel will fall off and parents or other adults can ride on the bike to help the child turn and balance. Finally, adults will leave once they ride independently. Scaffolding is usually discussed with the proximal developmental area, but the term is not used by the Vygots basics. The concept of scaffolding was introduced in the 1970s as an extension of Vygotsky’s thinking.