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黑人公民权利的历史就是美国种姓制度的故事。这是几百年来上层阶级白人如何让非洲裔美国人成为奴隶阶级的故事,由于他们皮肤黝黑而容易识别,然后获得好处 – 有时使用法律,有时使用宗教,有时使用暴力来保持这个系统地点。但是,黑人自由斗争也是一个关于被奴役的人如何能够与政治盟友一起起来推翻一个荒谬的不公平制度的故事,这个制度已经存在了几个世纪并且由根深蒂固的核心信念所驱动。本文概述了从17世纪开始直至今日为黑人自由斗争做出贡献的人物,事件和运动。如果您想了解更多信息,请使用左侧的时间轴更详细地探讨其中一些主题。当欧洲探险家在15和16世纪开始殖民新世界时,非洲奴隶制已经被接受为生活中的事实。领导新世界两大洲的定居 – 已经拥有土着人口 – 需要庞大的劳动力,而且越便宜越好:欧洲人选择奴隶制和契约奴役来建立劳动力。当一位名叫Estevanico的摩洛哥奴隶于1528年作为一群西班牙探险家的一部分抵达佛罗里达时,他成为了第一个非洲裔美国人和第一个美国穆斯林。埃斯特凡尼科担任指导和翻译,他独特的技能使他具有社会地位,很少有奴隶有机会获得。其他征服者依靠被奴役的美洲印第安人和进口的非洲奴隶在他们的矿山和整个美洲的种植园工作。与埃斯特万诺科不同,这些奴隶通常在非常苛刻的条件下不愿透露姓名。


The history of black citizenship is the story of the American caste system. This is the story of how upper-class whites have made African-Americans a slave class for centuries, because they are dark and easy to identify, and then gain benefits – sometimes using the law, sometimes using religion, and sometimes using violence to maintain the system’s location. But the black freedom struggle is also a story of how enslaved people can work with political allies to overthrow a ridiculously unfair system that has existed for centuries and is driven by deep-rooted core beliefs. This article outlines the characters, events, and movements that have contributed to the struggle for black freedom since the 17th century. If you want to know more, use the timeline on the left to explore some of these topics in more detail. When European explorers began to colonize the new world in the 15th and 16th centuries, African slavery was accepted as a fact of life. Leading the settlement of the two continents of the New World – already having an indigenous population – requires a huge workforce, and the cheaper the better: Europeans choose slavery and contractual slavery to build labor. When a Moroccan slave named Estevanico arrived in Florida in 1528 as part of a group of Spanish explorers, he became the first African-American and the first American Muslim. Estefanico serves as a mentor and translator, and his unique skills make him a social status, and few slaves have a chance to get it. Other conquerors rely on enslaved American Indians and imported African slaves to work in their mines and plantations throughout the Americas. Unlike Estebanco, these slaves are often reluctant to be named under very harsh conditions.
