英国学者理查德·道金斯(Richard Dawkins)于1976年在他的《自私的基因》一书中创造了“模因”一词。 道金斯提出了这一概念,并将其作为他的关于进化生物学背景下文化元素如何随时间传播和变化的理论的一部分。 根据道金斯(Dawkins)的观点,模因是文化的一种要素,例如观念,行为或实践,或者是通过模仿从一个人传播到另一个人的风格(比如衣服,还包括艺术,音乐,交流和表演)。 例如,轻舞或“轻拍”就是表演性模因在2016年后期变得突出的一个显着例子。就像生物元素在自然界中是病毒一样,模因也是如此,它在人与人之间经常传播 进化或变异。


British scholar Richard Dawkins coined the term “meme” in his book “The Selfish Genes” in 1976. Dawkins proposed this concept as part of his theory of how cultural elements spread and change over time in the context of evolutionary biology. According to Dawkins, memes are an element of culture, such as ideas, behaviors or practices, or the ability to spread from one person to another by imitation (such as clothes, art, music, Communication and performance). For example, a light dance or “tap” is a notable example of a performanceal meme that became prominent in late 2016. Just as biological elements are viruses in nature, so are memes, which often spread evolution or variation between people.


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