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Venus Flytrap is a popular indoor plant. Although this is a factory that is easy to keep, it has certain requirements. Must be planted in acidic soil with good drainage. Usually, it is potted with a mixture of peat moss and sand. It is important to water the plants with rain or distilled water to provide the proper pH. The plant requires 12 hours of direct sunlight every day. It should not be fertilized, and if it does not look healthy, it should only provide insects. To survive, Venus Flytrap needs to be exposed to lower temperatures to simulate winter. Although Venus flytraps will grow from seeds, they are usually grown by dividing the rosettes in spring or summer. Commercial propagation of nursery occurs in vitro from plant tissue culture. Nursing homes can get many interesting sizes and color mutations. In addition to being cultivated as a houseplant, Venus Flytrap extract is sold as a patented drug called “Carnivora”. According to the American Cancer Society, Carnivora is marketed as an alternative to skin cancer, HIV, rheumatoid arthritis, herpes and Crohn’s disease. However, scientific evidence does not support health claims. The purified active ingredient, plumbagin, in plant extracts does show antitumor activity.
