
当美国总统唐纳德·特朗普和法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙口头讨论这些条款的含义时,爱国主义与民族主义成为一个政治问题。在2018年10月23日的一次集会上,特朗普总统为他的民粹主义者“再创美国”平台和对外国进口关税的保护主义政策进行了辩护,正式宣称自己是“民族主义者”:“全球主义者是一个希望全球化的人好吧,坦率地说,不要那么关心我们的国家,“他说。”你知道吗?我们不能拥有那个。你知道,他们有一个词。它有点变得过时了。它被称为民族主义者。而且我说,真的,我们不应该使用那个词。你知道我是什么吗?我是民族主义者,好吧?我是民族主义者。“马克龙总统在巴黎举行的第100次停战日仪式上发言2018年11月11日,他提出了不同的民族主义意义。他将民族主义定义为“把我们的国家放在第一位,而不是关心他人。”通过拒绝其他国家的利益,梅肯断言,“我们抹去了一个国家最亲爱的,什么赋予它生命,什么使它伟大,什么是必不可少的,它的道德价值观梅毒“。 英国利物浦大学论文代写:民族主义意义 When US President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron verbally discussed the meaning of these articles, patriotism and nationalism became a political issue. At a rally on October 23, 2018, President Trump defended his populist "re-create the United States" platform and protectionist policies on foreign import tariffs, officially claiming to be "nationalists." "Globalists are a person who wants to be global. Well, frankly, don't care about our country so much," he said. "Do you know? We can't have that. You know, they have a word. It's a bit out of date. It's called a nationalist. And I said, really, we shouldn't use that word. You know me." What is it? I am a nationalist, okay? I am a nationalist. "President Mark Long spoke at the 100th Armistice Day Ceremony in Paris. On November 11, 2018, he proposed different nationalist significance. . He defined nationalism as "putting our country first, not caring for others." By rejecting the interests of other...
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