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埃德加·德加是19世纪最重要的艺术家和画家之一,也是印象派运动中的重要人物,尽管他拒绝了这个标签。有争议和争论性的,德加是一个喜欢个人喜欢的人,并坚信艺术家不能 – 也不应该 – 建立个人关系,以保持他们对主体的客观观点。德加以他的舞蹈画作而闻名,他以各种模式和材料工作,包括雕塑,并且仍然是近代历史上最有影响力的画家之一。德加于1834年出生于巴黎,享受着适度富裕的生活方式。他的家人与他的外祖父出生的新奥尔良和海地的克里奥尔文化有关,并将他们的姓氏称为“De Gas”,这是德加在成年后拒绝的一种做法。他于1845年参加了LycéeLouis-le-Grand(一所建于16世纪的着名中学);毕业后他打算学习艺术,但他的父亲期望他成为一名律师,因此德加于1853年尽职尽责地就读于巴黎大学学习法律。说德加不是一个好学生将是轻描淡写,几年后,他被录取到了ÉcoledesBeaux-Arts并开始认真学习艺术和绘图技巧,迅速展示了他令人难以置信的才华。德加是一位天生的绘图员,能够通过简单的工具呈现多个主题的精确但艺术的绘画,这种技巧可以在他成熟为自己的风格时很好地为他服务 – 特别是他的作品描绘了舞者,咖啡馆顾客和其他看似被捕的人在他们的日常生活中没有意识到。 1856年,德加前往意大利,在那里度过了未来三年。在意大利,他对自己的绘画产生了信心;重要的是,在意大利,他开始研究他的第一部杰作,一幅他姨妈和她的家人的画作。埃德加德加的Bellelli家族的肖像。德加最初将自己视为“历史画家”,一位以戏剧性但传统的方式描绘历史场景的艺术家,他的初步研究和培训反映了这些经典技巧和主题。然而,在他在意大利期间,德加开始追求现实主义,试图描绘现实生活,而他的“贝利利家庭”的肖像是一项非常成就和复杂的早期作品,将德加视为年轻的大师。肖像是创新的,没有破坏性。乍一看,它似乎是一种或多或少传统风格的传统肖像,但这幅画作品的几个方面展示了德加带来的深刻思想和微妙之处。事实上,这个家庭的族长,他的叔叔,背对着观众,而他的妻子自信地远离他,这对于当时的全家福来说是不寻常的,同时暗示他们的关系和丈夫在家庭中的地位。同样地,两个女儿的位置和姿势 – 一个更严肃和成人,一个在她的两个遥远的父母之间更有趣的“联系” – 说明了他们与对方和他们的父母之间的关系。德加通过分别勾画每个人,然后将它们合成一个他们从未实际组装过的姿势,从而获得了绘画的复杂心理。这幅画始于1858年,直到1867年才完成。


Edgar Degas was one of the most important artists and painters of the 19th century and an important figure in the Impressionist movement, although he rejected the label. Controversial and controversial, Degas is a person who likes personal preferences and firmly believes that artists cannot – and should not – establish personal relationships to maintain their objective views of the subject. Known for his dance paintings, he works in a variety of patterns and materials, including sculpture, and remains one of the most influential painters of modern history. Degas was born in Paris in 1834 and enjoys a moderately affluent lifestyle. His family was associated with New Orleans, whose grandfather was born, and the Creole culture of Haiti, and called their surname “De Gas,” a practice that Degas refused in adulthood. He joined Lycée Louis-le-Grand (a famous middle school built in the 16th century) in 1845; he planned to study art after graduation, but his father expected him to be a lawyer, so Degas did his part in 1853. Studying at the University of Paris to study law. To say that Degas is not a good student will be an understatement. A few years later, he was admitted to Écoledes Beaux-Arts and began to study art and drawing skills carefully, quickly demonstrating his incredible talent. Degas is a natural draftsman who can present precise but artistic paintings of multiple themes through simple tools that can serve him well when he matures into his own style – especially his work. It depicts the dancers, cafe customers and other seemingly arrested people who are not aware of them in their daily lives. In 1856, Degas traveled to Italy, where he spent the next three years. In Italy, he had confidence in his paintings; importantly, in Italy, he began to study his first masterpiece, a painting by his aunt and her family. Portrait of the Bellelli family of Edgar Degas. Degas initially regarded himself as a “historic painter”, an artist who portrayed historical scenes in a dramatic but traditional way. His preliminary research and training reflected these classic techniques and themes. However, during his time in Italy, Degas began to pursue realism, trying to portray real life, and his portrait of the “Belili Family” was a very accomplished and complex early work, treating Degas as a young master. . Portraits are innovative and not destructive. At first glance, it seems to be a traditional portrait of more or less traditional style, but several aspects of this painting show the profound thoughts and subtleties brought by Degas. In fact, the patriarch of this family, his uncle, facing away from the audience, and his wife confidently away from him, was unusual for the family portrait at the time, and hinted at their relationship and the status of the husband in the family. . Similarly, the position and posture of the two daughters – a more serious and adult, a more interesting “contact” between her two distant parents – illustrates their relationship with each other and their parents. Degas gained the complex mentality of painting by sketching each person separately and then synthesizing them into a pose they had never actually assembled. The painting began in 1858 and was not completed until 1867.
