有一小部分书籍在他们最初出版后很长时间内仍然存在,流行于流行文化的一部分;大多数书籍都以非常短暂的“保质期”作为谈话主题,少数人每年都会找到新的观众。即使在这个精英文集中,有些人比其他人更有名 – 每个人都知道“夏洛克福尔摩斯”或“爱丽丝梦游仙境”继续捕捉想象力。但有些作品变得如此普遍适应和讨论,它们变得几乎看不见 – 就像“绿山墙的安妮”。这种情况在2017年发生了变化,当时Netflix将这部小说全新改编为“Anne with a E.”对这个心爱的故事的这种现代诠释挖掘了故事中隐含的黑暗,然后进一步挖掘。与几乎所有其他改编的书籍相反,Netflix采用了一种“前卫”的方式来讲述孤儿安妮·雪莉的故事,以及她在爱德华王子岛上的冒险经历,这些爱好者拥有长期粉丝(尤其是PBS的80年代阳光迷的粉丝) ) 激烈反对。无休止的热门出现了谴责 或捍卫这种做法。当然,人们只有热门话题和关于文学的激烈争论仍然是至关重要和令人兴奋的;我们从义务或好奇心中读出来的困倦经典并没有激发很多争论。我们在21世纪仍在讨论“绿山墙的安妮”这一事实表明这个故事有多么强大和受人喜爱 – 并且提醒人们这些书经常被改编成电影,电视和其他电影的频率。介质。事实上,到目前为止,这部小说已有近40种改编版,而正如Netflix的版本所示,随着新一代和新艺术家争相在这个经典故事中崭露头角,很可能会有更多。这意味着“绿山墙的安妮”有机会成为有史以来最适应的书。事实上,它可能已经存在 – 虽然有数百部夏洛克福尔摩斯电影和电视剧,但这些都是根据福尔摩斯的所有故事改编而成,而不仅仅是一部小说。秘诀是什么?为什么1908年的一部小说是关于一个活泼的孤儿女孩错误地来到农场(因为她的养父母想要一个男孩,而不是女孩)并且让生活不断适应?


There is a short list of books that continue to be living, breathing parts of pop culture long after their initial publication; where most books have a pretty short “shelf life” as topics of conversation, a handful find new audiences year in and year out. Even in this elite group of literary works some are more famous than others — everyone knows that “Sherlock Holmes” or “Alice in Wonderland” continue to capture the imagination. But some works become so commonly adapted and discussed they become almost invisible — like “Anne of Green Gables.” That changed in 2017 when Netflix presented an all-new adaptation of the novels as “Anne with an E.” This modern interpretation of the beloved tale dug into the implied darkness of the story and then dug in further. As opposed to almost every other adaptation of the books, Netflix went with an “edgy” approach to the story of the orphan Anne Shirley and her adventures on Prince Edward Island that had long-time fans (and especially fans of PBS’ sunny 1980s version) up in arms. Endless hot takes appeared condemning or defending the approach. Of course, people only have hot takes and fierce arguments about literature that remains vital and exciting; the sleepy classics we read out of obligation or curiosity don’t inspire a lot of argument. The fact that we’re still discussing “Anne of Green Gables” in the 21st century is a sign of just how powerful and beloved the story is — and a reminder of just how often the books have been adapted into film, television, and other mediums. In fact, there have been nearly 40 adaptations of the novel so far, and as Netflix’s version shows, there is very likely to be plenty more as new generations and new artists vie to put their stamp on this classic story. That means “Anne of Green Gables” has a chance at being the most-adapted book of all time. In fact, it probably is already — while there have been hundreds of Sherlock Holmes films and TV series, those are adapted from all the Holmes stories, not just a single novel. What’s the secret? Why is a novel from 1908 about a spirited orphan girl who arrives at a farm by mistake (because her adoptive parents wanted a boy, not a girl) and makes a life constantly being adapted?


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