天文台的规划团队包括来自加州理工学院和威尔逊山的科学家,以及为天文台及其福柯钟摆创建计划的工程师,这是一个38英尺直径的模型,由艺术家罗杰海沃德雕刻的月亮部分,以及“三 – 一体化“coelostat所以游客可以研究太阳。为了公众观看,团队选择了12英寸蔡司折射望远镜作为最好的商用仪器。该仪器仍然存在,游客可以通过它查看行星,月球和选定的深空天体。此外,他们可以在白天通过coelostat观看太阳。格里菲斯最初的计划包括一个电影院。 1923年,天文馆仪器发明后,天文台的设计师接近格里菲斯家族,看看他们是否允许在其位置建造天文馆剧院。他们同意天文馆,其中包括来自德国的蔡司天文馆仪器。格里菲斯天文台于1935年5月14日向公众开放,并被转移到该市的公园和娱乐部门。这些公园还与一个名为“天文台之友”(FOTO)的支持小组合作,建立了一个独特的公私合作伙伴关系,以确保为天文台正在进行的任务提供资金和其他支持。数以千万计的访客通过了大门,其中包括数十万当地学校学生,他们通过FOTO资助的项目访问。天文馆还制作独特的节目,展示宇宙的探索。


The Observatory’s planning team includes scientists from the California Institute of Technology and Mount Wilson, as well as engineers who created plans for the Observatory and its Foucault pendulum, a 38-foot-diameter model of the moon carved by artist Roger Hayward. “Three-integration” coelostat so visitors can study the sun. For public viewing, the team chose the 12-inch Zeiss refractor as the best commercial instrument. The instrument still exists and visitors can view the planet, the moon and selected deep space objects. In addition, they can watch the sun through the coelostat during the day. Griffith’s original plan included a movie theater. In 1923, after the invention of the planetarium instrument, the designers of the Observatory approached the Griffith family to see if they allowed the construction of the Planetarium Theatre in their place. They agreed to the planetarium, which included the Zeiss Planetarium instrument from Germany. The Griffith Observatory was opened to the public on May 14, 1935 and was transferred to the city’s parks and entertainment department. The parks also collaborated with a support group called Friends of the Observatory (FOTO) to create a unique public-private partnership to ensure funding and other support for the ongoing tasks of the Observatory. Tens of millions of visitors have passed through the door, including hundreds of thousands of local school students, who are accessed through FOTO-funded projects. The Planetarium also produces unique programs that showcase the exploration of the universe.


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