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Social inequality is characterized by unequal opportunities and rewards for different social status or status in groups or societies. It contains structured and recurrent patterns of unequal distribution of goods, wealth, opportunities, rewards and punishments. For example, racism is understood as a phenomenon in which the acquisition of rights and resources is unfairly distributed across ethnic boundaries. In the context of the United States, people of color often experience racism, benefiting whites by giving them white privileges, which makes them more accessible to other people than others. There are two main ways to measure social inequality: conditional inequality and opportunity inequality. Inequality in conditions refers to the unequal distribution of income, wealth and material goods. For example, housing is the unequal condition of living at the bottom of the hierarchy with people who are homeless and living in housing projects, while those living in multi-million dollar homes are at the top. Another example is the entire community, some of whom are poor, unstable, and plagued by violence, while others are invested by businesses and governments to thrive and provide residents with safe, secure and happy conditions. Inequality of opportunity refers to the unequal distribution of personal life opportunities. This is reflected in measures such as education levels, health status and treatment of the criminal justice system. For example, studies have shown that university professors are more likely to ignore e-mails from women and people of color, while ignoring the e-mails of white men, whites stand out from the whites by guiding biased instruction and education. Give them resources. Discrimination at the individual, community and institutional levels is an important part of the process of social inequality that reproduces race, class, gender and sexuality. For example, women earn less than men when doing the same job, and sociologists have finally proved that racism is the foundation of our society and exists in all our social institutions. There are two main views of social inequality in sociology. One view is consistent with functionalist theory, and the other is consistent with conflict theory. Functionalist theorists believe that inequality is inevitable and desirable, and plays an important role in society. Important positions in society require more training, so more rewards should be obtained. According to this view, social inequality and social stratification led to capacity-based elite management. On the other hand, conflict theorists regard inequality as a group of weaker groups. They believe that social inequality hinders and hinders social progress, because those in power suppress the powerless people to maintain the status quo. In today’s world, this ruling work is mainly achieved through a process called cultural hegemony through the power of ideology, thoughts, values, beliefs, worldviews, norms and expectations.
