
北极狐的体型大约相当于家猫的大小,平均身高约55厘米(雄性)至52厘米(雌性),尾巴长30厘米。狐狸的体重取决于季节。在夏天,一只狐狸穿上脂肪帮助它度过冬天,体重增加了一倍。雄性体重3.2至9.4公斤,而雌性体重1.4至3.2公斤。北极狐具有低表面积与体积比,以保护其免受寒冷。它有一个短的口吻和腿,紧凑的身体和短而厚的耳朵。当温度升高时,北极狐通过鼻子散发热量。有两种北极狐颜色变形。蓝狐是一种全年呈现深蓝色,棕色或灰色的变形。蓝狐生活在沿海地区,它们的皮毛可以作为对抗岩石的伪装。白色变形有一个棕色外套,夏天有灰色腹部,冬天有白色外套。颜色变化有助于狐狸与周围环境融为一体,避免食肉动物。顾名思义,北极狐生活在北半球北极地区的苔原中。它出现在加拿大,阿拉斯加,俄罗斯,格陵兰和(很少)斯堪的纳维亚半岛。北极狐是冰岛唯一的本土哺乳动物。 新加坡吉隆坡生物Essay代写:北极狐 The Arctic fox is about the size of a domestic cat, with an average height of about 55 cm (male) to 52 cm (female) and a tail length of 30 cm. The weight of the fox depends on the season. In the summer, a fox puts on fat to help it through the winter and doubles its weight. Males weigh 3.2 to 9.4 kg, while females weigh 1.4 to 3.2 kg. Arctic foxes have a low surface area to volume ratio to protect them from the cold. It has a short muzzle and legs, a compact body and short, thick ears. When the temperature rises, the Arctic fox emits heat through the nose. There are two types of arctic fox color distortion. The blue fox is a deformation that is dark blue, brown or gray throughout the year. Blue foxes live in coastal areas, and their fur can be used as a camouflage against rocks. The white variant has a...
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