
西拉德在牛津大学继续他的研究,在那里他加紧努力,警告恩里科·费米人类使用核链式反应创造战争武器而不是产生能量的危险。 1938年1月,随着欧洲即将发生的战争威胁到他的工作,即使不是他的生命,西拉德也移民到美国,在纽约哥伦比亚大学任教期间,他继续研究核链式反应。当1939年消息传到美国时,德国物理学家奥托·哈恩和弗里茨·斯特拉斯曼发现了核裂变 - 原子爆炸的触发器 - 西拉德和他的几位物​​理学家说服阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦签署了一封致罗斯福总统的信,解释了毁灭性的毁灭性力量。原子弹。纳粹德国现在即将接管欧洲,西拉德,费米和他们的同事们担心,如果德国首先制造一枚工作炸弹,美国会发生什么。罗斯福深信爱因斯坦 - 西拉德的一封信,下令创建曼哈顿计划,该计划是美国,英国和加拿大杰出科学家的着名合作,致力于将核能用于军事用途。 新加坡南洋理工大学Essay代写:产生能量 Silad continued his research at Oxford University, where he stepped up his efforts to warn Enrico Fermi humans to use nuclear chain reactions to create war weapons rather than create energy. In January 1938, with the imminent war in Europe threatening his work, even if it was not his life, Silad immigrated to the United States. During his teaching at Columbia University in New York, he continued to study the nuclear chain reaction. When the news came to the United States in 1939, German physicists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strasman discovered the nuclear fission - the trigger of the atomic explosion - Silard and his several physics The family persuaded Albert Einstein to sign a letter to President Roosevelt explaining the devastating and devastating power. Atomic bomb. Nazi Germany is about to take over Europe, Silard, Fermi and their colleagues worry about what will happen to the United States if Germany first creates...
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