最丰富和最着名的鬣蜥类型是绿鬣蜥(Iguana鬣蜥)。 它们的平均尺寸为6.6英尺,重达11磅。 它们的绿色有助于在灌木丛中伪装它们,它们的身体上有一排刺,起到防御的作用。 根据物种的不同,鬣蜥生活在各种栖息地,包括沙漠,岩石区域,沼泽,热带雨林和低地。 在整个墨西哥,中美洲,加勒比群岛和巴西南部都有绿鬣蜥。 居住在加勒比岛屿上的鬣蜥物种统称为岩鬣蜥。 沙漠鬣蜥在美国西南部和墨西哥发现,而两种海洋鬣蜥栖息在加拉巴哥群岛。


The most abundant and well-known type of iguana is the green iguana (Iguana iguana). They have an average size of 6.6 feet and weigh up to 11 pounds. Their green color helps to camouflage them in the bushes, and they have a row of thorns on their bodies that act as defenses. Iguanas live in a variety of habitats, including deserts, rocky areas, swamps, tropical rainforests and lowlands, depending on the species. There are green iguanas throughout Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean Islands and southern Brazil. The iguana species that live on the Caribbean islands are collectively referred to as rock iguanas. Desert iguanas are found in the southwestern United States and Mexico, while two marine iguanas inhabit the Galapagos Islands.


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