表达语言起源是指与人类社会中语言的产生和发展有关的理论。几个世纪以来,提出了许多理论 – 几乎所有理论都受到挑战,打折和嘲笑。 (看看语言来自哪里?)1866年,巴黎语言学会禁止对该主题进行任何讨论:“该协会不接受任何关于语言起源或创造通用语言的交流。”当代语言学家罗宾斯伯林说:“任何在语言文献中广泛阅读的人都无法逃避对巴黎语言学家的悄悄同情。关于这一主题已经写了大量的废话”(The Talking Ape,2005)。然而,近几十年来,正如Christine Kenneally所说,来自遗传学,人类学和认知科学等不同领域的学者们正在进行“跨学科,多维寻宝”,以了解语言是如何开始的。她说,这是“当今科学中最难的问题”(The First Word,2007)。 “神圣的起源[是]猜测人类语言起源于上帝的礼物。没有学者今天认真对待这个想法。” (RL Trask,学生语言和语言学词典,1997; rpt.Routledge,2014)“已经提出了许多不同的解释来解释人类如何获得语言 – 其中许多可以追溯到巴黎禁令时期。更多的幻想解释被赋予绰号,主要是嘲笑解雇的效果。语言在人类中演化以协助协同工作的场景(如同在装载码头的史前等效物)被昵称’yo-heave-ho’模型。有’bow-wow’模式,其中语言起源于动物哭泣的模仿。在’poo-poo’模型中,语言起源于情感插入。“在二十世纪,和特别是在过去的几十年里,对语言起源的讨论变得可敬,甚至时髦。然而,一个主要问题仍然存在;大多数关于语言起源的模型都不容易形成可测试的假设,或任何形式的严格测试。什么数据可以让我们得出结论,一种模式或另一种模式最能解释语言是如何产生的?“(Norman A. Johnson,Darwinian Detectives:Revealing the Gene History of Genes and Genomes.Ocford University Press,2007)”而不是查看类型作为人类语言的来源,我们可以看到人类拥有的物理特征的类型,特别是那些与其他生物不同的物理特征,这些生物可能能够支持语音生成。


The origin of expression language refers to the theory related to the generation and development of language in human society. For centuries, many theories have been put forward – almost all theories have been challenged, discounted and ridiculed. (See where the language comes from?) In 1866, the Paris Language Institute banned any discussion of the subject: “The association does not accept any exchange of language origins or the creation of a common language.” Contemporary linguist Robin Spence said: “Anyone who reads extensively in the linguistic literature cannot escape the quiet sympathy of the Parisian linguists. A lot of nonsense has been written about this subject” (The Talking Ape, 2005). However, in recent decades, as Christine Kenneally said, scholars from different fields such as genetics, anthropology and cognitive science are conducting “interdisciplinary, multidimensional treasure hunt” to understand how language begins. She said that this is “the most difficult problem in today’s science” (The First Word, 2007). “The sacred origin [is] speculates that human language originated from God’s gift. No scholars take this idea seriously today.” (RL Trask, Dictionary of Student Language and Linguistics, 1997; rpt.Routledge, 2014) “has made many different Interpretation to explain how humans acquire language – many of which can be traced back to the Paris ban period. More fantasies are given nicknames, mainly to ridicule the effects of dismissal. Languages ​​evolved in humans to assist in collaborative work (like at the loading dock) The prehistoric equivalent) is nicknamed the ‘yo-heave-ho’ model. There is a ‘bow-wow’ model in which language originates from the imitation of animal crying. In the ‘poo-poo’ model, language originates from emotional insertion. In the twentieth century, and especially in the past few decades, discussions of the origin of language became respectable and even fashionable. However, one major problem still exists; most models of language origin are not easy to form testable hypotheses, or any form of rigorous testing. What data can lead us to conclude that one mode or another model best explains how a language is produced? “(Norman A. Johnson, Darwinian Detectives: Revealing the Gene History of Genes and Genomes. Ocford University Press, 2007)” Instead of viewing types as a source of human language, we can see the types of physical features that humans possess, especially Those physical characteristics that are different from other creatures that may be able to support speech generation.


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