Steno没有这样说出他的法律和他的原则。 他自己对重要内容的看法是完全不同的,但我认为它们仍然值得考虑。 他提出了三个命题,第一个是这样的:“如果一个坚实的身体被另一个坚固的身体所包围,那两个身体首先变得坚硬,在相互接触中,在它自己的表面上表达了它们的特性。 另一面。“ (如果我们将“表达”改为“印象”并将“自己”改为“其他”,这可能会更清楚。)虽然“官方”原则涉及岩石层及其形状和方向,但Steno自己的原则严格地讲述了“ 固体中的固体。“ 首先出现了两件事中的哪一件? 一个不受另一个限制的人。 因此,他可以自信地说,化石壳存在于封闭它们的岩石之前。 例如,我们可以看到砾岩中的石头比包围它们的基质更古老。


Steno did not call out his Law and his Principles as such. His own ideas of what was important were quite different, but I think they are still well worth considering. He put forth three propositions, the first being this: “If a solid body is enclosed on all sides by another solid body, of the two bodies that one first became hard which, in the mutual contact, expresses on its own surface the properties of the other surface.” (This may be clearer if we change “expresses” to “impresses” and switch “own” with “other.”) While the “official” Principles pertain to layers of rock and their shapes and orientations, Steno’s own principles were strictly about “solids within solids.” Which of two things came first? The one that was not restricted by the other. Thus he could confidently state that fossil shells existed before the rock that enclosed them. And we, for example, can see that the stones in a conglomerate are older than the matrix that encloses them.


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