意大利的影响无处不在美国,甚至在你的城镇 – 维多利亚时代的意大利式住宅,现在是殡仪馆,文艺复兴时期的复兴邮局,新古典主义的市政厅。如果您正在寻找一个体验异国的国家,意大利将让您感到宾至如归。在古代,罗马人从希腊借鉴了创意,并创造了自己的建筑风格。 11世纪和12世纪重新引起了对古罗马建筑的兴趣。意大利的罗马式风格,圆形拱门和雕刻门户成为整个欧洲 – 然后是美国的教堂和其他重要建筑的主导时尚。我们所知的意大利文艺复兴时期或重新唤醒的时期始于14世纪。在接下来的两个世纪里,对古罗马和希腊的浓厚兴趣带来了艺术和建筑的创造性繁荣。意大利文艺复兴时期建筑师Andrea Palladio(1508-1580)的着作彻底改变了欧洲建筑,并继续塑造我们今天的建筑方式。其他有影响力的意大利文艺复兴时期建筑师包括Giacomo Vignola(1507-1573),Filippo Brunelleschi(1377-1446),Michelangelo Buonarotti(1475-1564)和Raphael Sanzio(1483-1520)。然而,最重要的意大利建筑师可以说是Marcus Vitruvius Pollio(约公元前75-15),据说他曾写过世界上第一本建筑教科书De Architectura。旅行专家同意。意大利的每个地方都充满了建筑奇迹。比萨斜塔或罗马的特雷维喷泉等着名地标似乎都在意大利的每个角落。古罗马和意大利文艺复兴赋予了意大利丰富的建筑遗产,影响了世界各地的建筑设计。在意大利提供的所有奇迹中,哪些不容错过?计划您的旅行,包括意大利 – 罗马,威尼斯,佛罗伦萨,米兰,那不勒斯,维罗纳,都灵,博洛尼亚,热那亚,佩鲁贾等十大城市中的至少一个。但意大利较小的城市可能会为建筑爱好者提供更好的体验。仔细看看曾经是西罗马帝国首都的拉文纳,很有可能看到拜占庭东西罗马帝国带来的马赛克 – 是的,这就是拜占庭建筑。意大利是美国大部分建筑的根源 – 是的,新古典主义是我们对来自希腊和罗马的古典形式的“新”。金狮是一个令人垂涎的建筑奖。来自意大利的建筑之旅。这是我们的首选。意大利的其他重要时期和风格包括早期中世纪/哥特式,文艺复兴时期和巴洛克式。威尼斯双年展每隔一年就会成为当代建筑所发生的一切的国际展示场所。


Italian influences are everywhere in the United States, even in your town—the Victorian Italianate house that is now a funeral home, the Renaissance Revival post office, the Neoclassical city hall. If you’re looking for a foreign country to experience, Italy will make you feel right at home. In ancient times, the Romans borrowed ideas from Greece and created their own architectural style. The 11th and 12th centuries brought a renewed interest in the architecture of ancient Rome. Italy’s Romanesque style with rounded arches and carved portals became the dominant fashion for churches and other important buildings throughout Europe—and then United States. The period we know as the Italian Renaissance, or reawakening, began in the 14th century. For the next two centuries, a keen interest in ancient Rome and Greece brought a creative flourishing in art and architecture. The writings of Italian Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio (1508-1580) revolutionized European architecture and continues to shape the way we build today. Other influential Italian Renaissance architects include Giacomo Vignola (1507-1573), Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446), Michelangelo Buonarotti (1475-1564), and Raphael Sanzio (1483-1520). The most important Italian architect of all, however, is arguably Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (c. 75-15 BC), often said to have written the world’s first architecture textbook,De Architectura. Travel experts agree. Every part of Italy brims with architectural wonders. Famous landmarks like the Tower of Pisa or the Trevi Fountain in Rome seem to be around every corner in Italy. Ancient Rome and the Italian Renaissance gave Italy a rich architectural heritage that influenced building design around the world. Out of all the wonders Italy has to offer, which are not to be missed? Plan your tour to include at least one of these top ten cities in Italy—Rome, Venice, Florence, Milan, Naples, Verona, Turin, Bologna, Genoa, Perugia. But Italy’s smaller cities may offer a better experience for lovers of architecture. A closer look in Ravenna, which used to be the capital of the Western Roman Empire, is a great chance to see mosaics brought over from the Eastern Roman Empire in Byzantium—yes, that’s Byzantine architecture. Italy is the root of much of America’s architecture—yes, neoclassical is our “new” take on Classical forms from Greece and Rome.The Golden Lion is a coveted architecture award from the event.Follow these links for an architectural tour of Italy. Here are our top picks. Other important periods and styles in Italy include Early Medieval / Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque. Every other year the Venice Biennale is the international showplace for all that’s happening in contemporary architecture.


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