如前所述,个体消费者或消费者市场需求的项目数量由多个不同因素决定,但需求曲线表示需求价格和数量之间的关系以及影响需求的所有其他因素保持不变。那么当价格变化以外的需求决定因素会发生什么呢?答案是,当需求的非价格决定因素发生变化时,需求的价格和数量之间的整体关系会受到影响。这是需求曲线的转变所代表的,所以让我们考虑如何转变需求曲线。需求的增加由上图表示。需求的增加可以被视为向需求曲线的右移或需求曲线的向上移动。转向正确的解释表明,当需求增加时,消费者需要在每个价格上有更大的数量。向上转换解释代表观察,当需求增加时,消费者愿意并且能够为给定数量的产品支付比以前更多的费用。 (请注意,需求曲线的水平和垂直位移通常不具有相同的幅度。)需求曲线的变化不需要是平行的,但是对于大多数目的而言,它通常会以这种方式对其进行思考。简单的缘故。相反,需求的减少由上图表示。需求减少可以被视为向需求曲线左侧的转变或需求曲线的向下移动。向左解释的转变表明,当需求减少时,消费者要求每个价格的数量较小。向下移位解释表示观察到,当需求减少时,消费者不愿意并且能够为给定数量的产品支付尽可能多的费用。 (再次注意,需求曲线的水平和垂直位移通常不是相同的幅度。)同样,需求曲线的变化不需要是平行的,但它通常会想到有用(并且对于大多数目的来说足够准确)他们为了简单起见。


As mentioned earlier, the number of items required by individual consumers or consumers in the market is determined by a number of different factors, but the demand curve indicates that the relationship between demand price and quantity and all other factors affecting demand remain unchanged. So what happens to demand determinants other than price changes? The answer is that when the non-price determinants of demand change, the overall relationship between the price and quantity of demand is affected. This is represented by a shift in the demand curve, so let’s consider how to transform the demand curve. The increase in demand is indicated by the above figure. The increase in demand can be seen as a right shift to the demand curve or an upward shift in the demand curve. Turning to the right explanation shows that when demand increases, consumers need to have a larger amount at each price. The upward conversion interpretation represents observation that as demand increases, consumers are willing and able to pay more for a given number of products than before. (Note that the horizontal and vertical displacements of the demand curve usually do not have the same magnitude.) The change in the demand curve does not need to be parallel, but for most purposes it is usually thought of in this way. Simple reason. Instead, the reduction in demand is represented by the above figure. The reduction in demand can be seen as a shift to the left of the demand curve or a downward shift in the demand curve. The shift to the left indicates that when demand decreases, consumers demand a smaller amount per price. A downward shift interpretation indicates that consumers are unwilling and able to pay as much as possible for a given number of products as demand decreases. (Note again that the horizontal and vertical displacements of the demand curve are usually not the same magnitude.) Again, the changes in the demand curve need not be parallel, but it is usually thought of useful (and accurate enough for most purposes) they are simple See you



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