
查尔斯达尔文在他的着作“人与动物的情感表达”中观察到狒狒打哈欠以威胁敌人。在暹罗斗鱼和豚鼠中也报道了类似的行为。另一方面,Adelie企鹅打哈欠是他们求爱仪式的一部分。 Alessia Leone和她的团队进行的一项研究表明,在社交环境中有不同类型的打哈欠来传达不同的信息(例如,移情或焦虑)。 Leone的研究涉及一种称为gelada的猴子,但人类的打哈欠也可能因其功能而异。很明显,打哈欠是由生理因素引起的。神经递质水平的波动引发哈欠。打哈欠的生物学益处在其他一些物种中很明显,但在人类中并不那么明显。至少,打哈欠会短暂地提高警觉性。在动物中,打哈欠的社交方面有充分的记录。虽然打哈欠在人类中具有传染性,但研究人员尚未确定打哈欠的心理是否是人类进化的遗留物,或者它是否仍然起着今天的心理作用。 新加坡国立大学Assignment代写:社交环境 In his book "Emotional Expressions of Humans and Animals", Charles Darwin observed yawning to threaten the enemy. Similar behavior was reported in Siamese fighting fish and guinea pigs. On the other hand, Adelie penguins yawning is part of their courtship ritual. A study by Alessia Leone and her team showed that there are different types of yawning in a social environment to convey different information (eg, empathy or anxiety). Leone's research involves a monkey called gelada, but human yawning may also vary depending on its function. Obviously, yawning is caused by physiological factors. Fluctuations in the level of neurotransmitters trigger yawning. The biological benefits of yawning are evident in other species, but not so obvious in humans. At the very least, yawning will temporarily increase alertness. In animals, the social aspects of yawning are well documented. Although yawning is contagious in humans, researchers have not yet determined whether the mentality of yawning is a legacy of human...
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Florine Stettheimer(1871年8月19日 -  1944年5月11日)是一位美国画家和诗人,其柔美,色彩缤纷的画布描绘了爵士时代纽约的社会环境。在她的一生中,Stettheimer选择与主流艺术世界保持距离,并且只选择性地分享她的作品。因此,她作为一个真正原创的美国民间现代主义者的遗产,虽然仍然谦虚,但现在正在慢慢建立,在她去世几十年后。 Florine Stettheimer于1871年出生于纽约罗切斯特,是五个孩子中的第四个。在她的一生中,她与年龄最接近她的两个兄弟姐妹 - 她的姐姐嘉莉和她的妹妹艾蒂 - 有着密切的关系 - 因为没有姐妹曾经结过婚。 Stettheimer的父母都是成功银行家庭的后代。当她的父亲约瑟夫在孩子们还是孩子的时候离开了这个家庭,他们生活在他们的母亲Rosetta Walter Stettheimer身上。在以后的生活中,Stettheimer的独立财富可能已经解释了她不愿意公开展示她的作品,因为她并不依赖艺术市场来支持自己。反过来,这可能影响了她的工作内容,因为她没有被迫遵守文化品味的想法,并且可以或多或少地画出她喜欢的东西。 新加坡国立大学Assignment代写:爵士时代 Florine Stettheimer (August 19, 1871 - May 11, 1944) was an American painter and poet whose soft, colorful canvas portrayed the social environment of New York in the jazz era. Throughout her life, Stettheimer chose to stay away from the mainstream art world and only selectively share her work. Therefore, her legacy as a truly original American folk modernist, although still modest, is slowly being established, decades after her death. Florine Stettheimer was born in Rochester, New York in 1871 and is the fourth of five children. Throughout her life, she has a close relationship with her two brothers and sisters closest to her - her sister Carrie and her sister Eti - because no sisters have ever been married. Stettheimer's parents are descendants of successful bank families. When her father Joseph left the family while the children were still children, they lived on their mother...
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波士顿大学Tanglewood学院在国际上被公认为有志于年轻音乐家的夏季顶级培训课程之一,它让高中学生有机会与着名的波士顿交响乐团一起训练该行业的一些顶级专业人士。该学院提供管弦乐,人声,风合奏,钢琴,作曲和竖琴等强化课程,以及长笛,双簧管,单簧管,巴松管,萨克斯管,法国号,小号,长号,大号,打击乐器,弦乐的为期两周的工作坊四重奏和低音提琴。每个课程的长度和内容各不相同,包括大师班,研讨会以及与教师,客座艺术家和波士顿交响乐团成员的公开表演。 BUTI在波士顿大学西校区提供宿舍式住宿。 Intermuse国际音乐学院和音乐节(IIMIF)是一个为期十天的住宿夏季课程,为年轻室内音乐家在马里兰州埃米特斯堡的圣玛丽山大学举办。学生每天都会与国际知名的教师教练一起排练,参加私人课程和工作室大师班,在整个课程中有独奏和合奏表演机会。 IIMIF还鼓励采用跨学科的艺术方法,提供有关一系列主题的额外研讨会,包括表演心理学,舞蹈,音乐事业和舞台表演。几位学生也被选中参加为期五天的学院巡回演唱会。 新加坡国立大学Assignment代写:私人课程 Boston University's Tanglewood College is internationally recognized as one of the top summer training programs for young musicians, giving high school students the opportunity to train some of the industry's top professionals with the prestigious Boston Symphony Orchestra. The college offers intensive courses in orchestral, vocal, wind ensemble, piano, composition and harp, as well as flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, french, trumpet, trombone, queen, percussion, string The two-week workshop quartet and double bass. Each course varies in length and content, including master classes, seminars, and public performances with teachers, guest artists, and members of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. BUTI offers dormitory accommodation at Boston University's West Campus. The Intermuse International Conservatory of Music and Music Festival (IIMIF) is a 10-day summer program for young indoor musicians at the University of St. Mary's in Emmetsburg, Maryland. Students rehearse daily with internationally renowned teacher coaches, attend private classes and studio master classes, and have solo and ensemble performance opportunities...
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