
克莱顿法案解决不公平行为由谢尔曼法没有明确禁止,如掠夺性的兼并和“连锁董事”,即同一人作出的商业决定几个相互竞争的公司的安排。例如,“克莱顿法案”第7条禁止公司合并或收购其他公司,因为其效果“可能大大减少竞争,或倾向于造成垄断。”1936年,“罗宾逊 - 帕特曼法案”修订了“克莱顿法案”。禁止商家之间的交易中的反竞争价格歧视和补贴。 Robinson-Patman旨在通过确定某些零售产品的最低价格来保护小型零售店免受大型连锁店和“折扣店”的不公平竞争。克莱顿法案是由哈特 - 斯科特 - 罗迪诺反托拉斯改进法,这就要求企业筹划重大兼并和收购提前做好采取行动的同时通知了美国联邦贸易委员会和他们的计划司法部再次修订于1976年。此外,克莱顿法案允许私人聚会,包括消费者,起诉公司的三重损害赔偿时,他们已被违反无论是谢尔曼和克莱顿法案,并获得法院命令,禁止在该反竞争行为公司的行为损害未来。例如,联邦贸易委员会经常确保法院命令禁止公司继续进行虚假或欺骗性的广告活动或促销活动。 “克莱顿法案”强调指出“人的劳动不是商品或商品”,禁止企业阻止工会的组织。该法案还禁止将罢工和赔偿纠纷等工会行为置于针对公司的反托拉斯诉讼中。因此,工会可以自由组织和协商其成员的工资和福利,而不会被指控非法定价。 新加坡国立大学法律学Essay代写:关于克莱顿反托拉斯法案 The Clayton Act addresses unfair practices not clearly prohibited by the Sherman Act, such as predatory mergers and “interlocking directorates,” arrangements in which the same person makes business decisions for several competing companies. For example, Section 7 of the Clayton Act bans companies from merging with or acquiring other companies when the effect “may be substantially to lessen competition, or to tend to create a monopoly.” In 1936, the Robinson-Patman Act amended the Clayton Act to prohibit anticompetitive price discrimination and allowances in dealings between merchants. Robinson-Patman was designed to protect small retail shops against unfair competition from large chain and “discount” stores by establishing minimum prices for certain retail products. The Clayton Act was again amended in 1976 by the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act, which requires companies planning major mergers and acquisitions to notify both the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice of their plans well in advance of...
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