大多数人并不完全适合附件风格的原型。相反,研究人员将依恋风格作为一个频谱进行测量。在附件调查表中,研究人员向参与者提出了衡量他们的焦虑和避免恋爱关系的问题。焦虑调查项目包括诸如“恐怕我会失去伴侣的爱”之类的陈述,而回避调查项目则包含诸如“我不愿意向浪漫伴侣开放的陈述”之类的陈述。恐惧回避型个体在焦虑和回避上得分很高;如果父母对孩子的需求没有反应,孩子可能会发展出恐惧回避型依恋风格;心理学家哈尔·肖里(Hal Shorey)写道,恐惧回避型依恋风格的人可能有父母对他们的回应做出了回应。类似地,研究人员安东尼娅·比富尔科(Antonia Bifulco)发现,恐惧的回避依恋与童年的虐待和忽视有关。


Most people don’t exactly fit the prototype of the accessory style. Instead, researchers measured attachment style as a spectrum. In the attached questionnaire, researchers asked participants questions about measuring their anxiety and avoiding relationships. Anxiety survey items include statements such as “I’m afraid I will lose my partner’s love,” while avoidance survey items include statements such as “I am unwilling to open to romantic partners.” Fear avoidance individuals score high on anxiety and avoidance; if parents do not respond to the child’s needs, the child may develop a fear avoidance attachment style; psychologist Hal Shorey writes that fear avoidance People with an attachment style may have parents who have responded to their response. Similarly, researcher Antonia Bifulco found that fear-avoiding attachment was related to childhood abuse and neglect.


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