古典自由主义强调个人经济自由和法治下的公民自由保护,它是对工业革命和欧洲及城市化带来的社会,经济和政治变革的回应,于18世纪末和19世纪初发展起来。 美国。 基于一种信念,即通过遵守自然法和个人主义才能最好地实现社会进步,因此,古典自由主义者在亚当·史密斯(Adam Smith)1776年的经典著作《国家财富》中借鉴了经济思想。古典自由主义者也同意托马斯·霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes)的观点 政府是由人民创建的,目的是最大程度地减少个人之间的冲突,而经济激励是激励工人的最佳方法。 他们担心福利国家会对自由市场经济构成威胁。


Classical liberalism emphasizes individual economic freedom and the protection of civil liberties under the rule of law. It is a response to the social, economic and political changes brought about by the industrial revolution and Europe and urbanization. It developed in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. United States. Based on the belief that social progress can best be achieved by obeying natural law and individualism, classical liberals borrowed economic ideas from Adam Smith’s 1776 classic book, National Wealth. Classical liberals also agree with Thomas Hobbes that the government was created by the people to minimize conflicts between individuals, and economic incentives are the best way to motivate workers. They are worried that the welfare state will pose a threat to the free market economy.


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