该系统根据乐器的振动材料将其分为四类:航空器(由空气引起的振动,如长笛),颤音器(由弦引起的振动,如与吉他一样),膜式传声器(动物皮肤的振动,如与鼓一样的振动)和中音 (由仪器本身引起的振动,如嘎嘎声)。 1950年,荷兰音乐学家Jaap Kunst创造了“民族音乐学”一词,将两个学科结合在一起:音乐学(音乐研究)和民族学(不同文化的比较研究)。 音乐学家查尔斯·西格(Charles Seeger),人类学家艾伦·梅里亚姆(Alan Merriam)等人以这个新名字为基础,于1955年成立了民族音乐学学会,并于1958年成立了民族音乐学杂志。


The system classifies it into four categories based on the vibrating material of the instrument: aircraft (vibration caused by air, such as flute), tremolo (vibration caused by strings, like a guitar), diaphragm microphone (vibration of animal skin, Such as the vibration of the drum) and the midrange (vibration caused by the instrument itself, such as humming). In 1950, the Dutch musicologist Jaap Kunst coined the term “ethnic musicology”, combining two disciplines: musicology (music studies) and ethnology (comparative studies of different cultures). Musicologist Charles Seeger, anthropologist Alan Merriam and others based on this new name, founded the National Musicology Society in 1955 and was founded in 1958. Journal of ethnomusicology.


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