尽管还有许多其他化合物很容易列入此清单,但不要忘记某些化学元素具有致命的毒性! 铅和汞有剧毒。 没有铅的“安全”暴露,而汞的有机形式要比纯元素差得多。 和其他重放射性元素充斥着双重打击。 元素本身是有毒的,而且放射性会分解人体的组织。 该元素的致死剂量比该清单上任何其他毒物的致死剂量小得多。 仅摄取七万亿分之一克就足以杀死一个成年人。

英国伯明翰Medical Essay代写:化合物

Although there are many other compounds that are easy to include on this list, don’t forget that certain chemical elements are deadly toxic! Lead and mercury are highly toxic. There is no “safe” exposure to lead, and the organic form of mercury is much worse than pure elements. And other heavy radioactive elements are full of double blows. Elements themselves are toxic, and radioactivity can break down human tissues. The lethal dose of this element is much smaller than the lethal dose of any other poison on this list. Just one trillionth of a gram is enough to kill an adult.


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