制图学是研究地图的概念、制作、传播和研究的学科。地图也代表地图。地图学的结构模型可以用来描述一个学术学科的地图绘制过程。塞巴斯蒂安·卡夸德和威廉·卡特赖特在2014年发表的《叙事制图:从地图故事到地图和地图与地图叙事》一文中的论点中,支持在文学研究中使用地图以更好地理解地理如何影响或影响作者。NG发表在地图杂志上。这篇文章解释了“解读和讲述故事的地图的潜力实际上是无限的。”老师们可以使用地图来帮助学生更好地理解美国的地理如何影响作家和他们的文学。他们对叙事地图学的描述旨在“揭示地图与叙事之间丰富而复杂的关系的某些方面。”研究影响美国文学作者的地理学可能意味着使用社会科学的一些透镜,例如econo。MICS、政治学、人文地理学、人口统计学、心理学或社会学。教师可以在课堂上花些时间,为那些撰写高中最传统的文学选集的作者提供文化地理背景,比如纳撒尼尔·霍桑的《红字》、马克·吐温的《哈克贝利·芬历险记》、约翰·斯坦贝克的《老鼠与人》。正如大多数美国文学一样,在每一本选集里,作者的社区、文化和关系的背景都与特定的时间和地点有关。例如,殖民地的地理位置见于美国文学的第一篇,始于1608年英国探险家、詹姆斯敦(弗吉尼亚)领袖约翰·史密斯上尉的回忆录。探险家的叙述被合并成一篇名为《弗吉尼亚州发生的此类事件与意外事件的真实关系》的文章。在这篇叙述中,史密斯描述了波卡洪塔斯从波瓦坦手中拯救自己生命的故事。最近,2016年普利策小说奖得主是越南出生在美国的阮晋勇。他的故事《同情者》被描述为“一个移民故事,以一个‘两个心智的人’和两个国家——越南和美国——的苦涩、忏悔的声音讲述。”在这部获奖的叙事中,这两个文化地理位置的对比是这个故事的中心。              美国作家博物馆:数字文学地图。有许多不同的数字地图资源可供具有互联网接入的教师用来提供学生背景信息。如果老师想给学生一个研究美国作家的机会,一个好的起点可能是美国作家博物馆,一个庆祝美国作家的国家博物馆。该博物馆已经拥有了数字展馆,它们的实体馆计划于2017年在芝加哥开放。美国作家博物馆的使命是“让公众参与到美国作家的庆祝活动中,并探索他们对我们的历史、身份、文化和日常生活的影响。”博物馆网站上的一个特色页面是一幅美国文学地图,上面展示了美国作家全国各地。游客们可以点击一个州的图标,看看那里有什么文学标志,比如作家住宅和博物馆,书展,文学档案,甚至作家最后的安息地。这本美国文学地图将帮助学生们认识美国新作家的几个目标。


Cartography is the study of the concept, production, dissemination and research of maps. Maps also represent maps. The structural model of cartography can be used to describe the mapping process of an academic discipline. Sebastian Caquad and William Cartwright argued in their paper Narrative Cartography: From Map Stories to Maps and Map and Map Narration, published in 2014, to support the use of maps in literary research to better understand how geography affects or influences authors. NG is published in Map Magazine. This article explains that “the potential of maps to interpret and tell stories is virtually limitless.” Teachers can use maps to help students better understand how American geography affects writers and their literature. Their description of narrative cartography aims to “reveal some aspects of the rich and complex relationship between maps and narratives”. The study of geography affecting American literary writers may imply the use of social science lenses, such as econo. MICS, politics, human geography, demography, psychology or sociology. Teachers can spend some time in class providing cultural and geographical backgrounds for writers of the most traditional literature anthology in high school, such as Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and John Steinbeck’s Mouse and Man. Like most American literature, in each anthology, the author’s community, culture and relationship background are related to a particular time and place. For example, the geographical location of the colonies can be seen in the first article of American literature, which began in 1608 with the Memoirs of Captain John Smith, a British explorer and leader of Jamestown (Virginia). The explorer’s narrative was merged into an article entitled The True Relation Between Such Events and Accidents in Virginia. In this narrative, Smith describes the story of Pocahontas saving his life from Povatan. Recently, the 2016 Pulitzer Prize winner was Ruan Tanyong, born in Vietnam in the United States. His story The Compassionate is described as “an immigrant story told in the bitter, repentant voices of a’two-minded man’and two countries, Vietnam and the United States.” In this award-winning narrative, the contrast of the two cultural and geographical locations is at the heart of the story. Museum of American Writers: Digital Literature Map. There are many different digital map resources available for teachers with Internet access to provide background information for students. If teachers want to give students an opportunity to study American writers, a good starting point may be the American Writers Museum, a national museum celebrating American writers. The Museum already has digital pavilions, and its physical Pavilion is scheduled to open in Chicago in 2017. The mission of the American Writers Museum is to “engage the public in the celebration of American writers and explore their impact on our history, identity, culture and daily life.” A feature page on the museum’s website is a map of American literature showing American writers across the country. Visitors can click on a state icon to see what literary symbols there are, such as writers’houses and museums, book fairs, literary archives, and even writers’ final resting place. This map of American literature will help students understand several goals of the new American writer.


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