
只要有政治运动,就会有竞选承诺。它们就像政治家用来让自己闻到选民气味的香水。大多数候选人坚持直截了当,久经考验的承诺。他们会降低税收,加大对犯罪的控制力度,缩小政府规模,创造就业机会,减少国家债务等等。承诺是否矛盾并不重要,因为他们很少提供。一旦当选,政治家总是可以找借口解释为什么承诺无法兑现。然而,有时一个候选人会违背这种类型的惯例,并提出一个真正原始的,奇怪的承诺。例如,在2016年的美国总统竞选活动中,唐纳德特朗普曾承诺建立边界墙并让墨西哥为此付出代价。无论人们如何看待这个想法,它都应该归功于......不同。在一些候选人的手中,这种奇怪的承诺被提升为一种艺术形式。竞选季节提供了这样一种环境,在这种情况下,这些政治局外人的古怪观点可以在短时间内获得更广泛的受众。因此,像艺术家一样,他们将政治作为画布,用他们对另类,陌生世界的承诺来描绘愿景。点击查看过去100年来最令人难忘和最奇怪的竞选承诺。 新加坡管理大学社会学Essay代写:奇怪的竞选承诺简史 As long as there have been political campaigns, there have been campaign promises. They're like the cloying perfume that politicians use to make themselves smell sweeter to voters. Most candidates stick with straightforward, tried-and-true promises. They'll lower taxes, get tough on crime, shrink the size of government, create jobs, reduce the national debt, etc. It doesn't matter if the promises are contradictory since they're seldom delivered anyway. Once elected, a politician can always come up with an excuse to explain why a promise couldn't be fulfilled. However, sometimes a candidate will defy the conventions of the genre and come up with a truly original, weird promise. For instance, in the US presidential campaign of 2016, Donald Trump has famously promised to build a border wall and make Mexico pay for it. Whatever one may think of the idea, it deserves credit for being... different. And in the hands of some candidates, the weird promise is elevated to a kind of...
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那么,什么是性?我们大多数人都被教导只有两种生理性别,男性和女性。在您第一次呼吸后不久,医生很可能会检查您,并为您指定这两种性别中的一种。然而,对于双性人,也被称为性发育差异的人,男性和女性的类别不一定适合。在考虑性发育差异的人时,研究人员认为,有多达五到七种常见的生理性别,并且性别实际上存在于具有许多不同变化的连续体中。据估计,多达1.7%的人口存在性别分化的差异。这比你想象的要常见得多!但是,我们如何才能使性别合格?同样,这是一个棘手的主题,甚至科学家似乎也不能完全同意。你的性别是由你的生殖器决定的吗?你的染色体?你的主要性激素?它是三者的组合吗?对于性发育不同的人,生殖器,染色体和主要性激素可能与男性或女性的“正常”不同。例如,患有Kleinfelter综合症的人通常在出生时被分配为男性,但是具有XXY染色体并且可能具有低睾酮水平和其他物理变化,例如宽臀部和扩大的胸部组织。事实上,双性人有明显的需求,男性和女性的类别根本没有用。跨性别者,或者在出生时被指定与性别认同不一致的人,也会质疑生物性别的类别。对于那些选择通过激素替代疗法使睾丸激素或雌激素成为主要激素而进行身体转变的变性人,通过胸部或生殖器确认手术,或两者兼而有之,这些生理性行为的标记可能不再像我们一样排队被教导期待。 新加坡管理大学社会学Essay代写:性别解释 So, what is sex? Most of us are taught that there are only two biological sexes, male and female. Shortly after your first breath, a doctor most likely examined you and assigned you one of those two sexes. However, for intersex people, also referred to as people with differences of sexual development, the categories of male and female don’t necessarily fit. In considering people with differences of sexual development, researchers have argued that there are as many as five to seven common biological sexes and that sex actually exists along a continuum with many different variations. Estimates suggest that as much as 1.7 percent of the population has some variation of sexual differentiation. It’s much more common than you might think! But, how do we qualify sex? Again, it’s a tricky subject that even scientists can’t seem to quite agree on. Is your sex determined by your genitals? By your chromosomes? By your predominant sex hormones? Is it a combination...
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