

When US President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron verbally discussed the meaning of these articles, patriotism and nationalism became a political issue. At a rally on October 23, 2018, President Trump defended his populist “re-create the United States” platform and protectionist policies on foreign import tariffs, officially claiming to be “nationalists.” “Globalists are a person who wants to be global. Well, frankly, don’t care about our country so much,” he said. “Do you know? We can’t have that. You know, they have a word. It’s a bit out of date. It’s called a nationalist. And I said, really, we shouldn’t use that word. You know me.” What is it? I am a nationalist, okay? I am a nationalist. “President Mark Long spoke at the 100th Armistice Day Ceremony in Paris. On November 11, 2018, he proposed different nationalist significance. . He defined nationalism as “putting our country first, not caring for others.” By rejecting the interests of other countries, Macon asserted, “We have erased one of the country’s dearest, what gives it life, What makes it great, what is essential, it’s moral values ​​syphilis.


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